Our product is a robot regulated by an artificial intelligence that will learn from the surroundings as time passes by. With the help of its tentacle imitations, it has higher flexibility in collecting ocean debris and analyzing the underwater environment.
This product is mainly aimed at every government, and non-government organizations that are relevant to the ocean. We envisage to replace man-power by AI and long distance control by using the design of aquatic animal emulation and be the inception where we collect ocean debris effectively.
We would be collaborating with multiple technology industries and environmental organizations to invent the AI Octoplus with the minimum invention cost and contemplate future arrangements with the environmental organizations for better and further measurements of future planning.
We conjectured that our first stage of plan would be ventilating with the technology industries. Secondly, finish the invention around the end of 2023. Thirdly, collaborate with environmental organizations and test the sailing. Lastly, we would be distributing it to the market around the end of 2025. The G.I.S.T team hope that we will improve the underwater environment while collecting data and return the marine animals the habitat they deserved to have before we polluted it.
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