Dare To Change
YDC Best Potential Startup and Innovation Award - CheckMate
For the past 10 years, people have usually worked at co-working spaces, but now people are having difficulties in finding a co-working space near home. The demand for the workplace is increasing, in contrast, the vacancy rate of co-working spaces is snowballing. Over 90% of Co-working space is located in urban areas, but over half of the demand comes from suburban areas. Therefore, workers have to travel, wasting time in commuting while generating massive amount of carbon footprint just to travel to work.
Therefore, we created CheckMate, a one-stop platform for “Cloud-working Space”. We defined the concept of “Cloud-working Space”, aim to transforming all unused or vacant spaces into a comfortable workplace. Wherever you own any party rooms, cafés, bars, office meeting rooms or any other properties, CheckMate helps you list on our platform and use our unmanned check-in system and AI CRM system to transform your space into our revolutionary Cloud-working space. Users can gain access to working space around the world simply by subscribing to our CheckMate monthly pass.
For more information, please contact dare.to.change@ydc.org.hk
