Dare To Change

YDC Best Potential Startup and Innovation Award - ArtInSight

ArtInSight is an AI-powered art learning platform that enhances the way students engage with art by providing personalized learning experiences. To explain in detail, the platform includes an AI Art Vision module that enables users to explore artworks in-depth through instant identification, historical analysis, and comparative insights. With art style analysis, visualized notes, and the ability to explore art history and compare artists, it offers an immersive experience. The fine-tuned Art GPT enables users to delve deep into every artwork. To facilitate students’ learning and visualize all the knowledge points, the platform features historical timelines, relationship mapping, dynamic challenges, and personalized guidance as well. Additionally, ArtInSight utilizes Generative AI Creation to empower users to apply their artistic preferences to any artwork and receive comparative suggestions for artistic exploration. It not only enables users to unleash their artistic potential by generating unique artworks but also offers a distinctive comparative suggestion functionality.

By collaborating with primary and secondary schools, the team offers Art-Tech classes, introducing students to our innovative platform and sparking interest in the intersection of art and technology. Through these initiatives, ArtInSight aims to make Art Education accessible, engaging, and personalized for learners of all ages and backgrounds.

For more information, please contact dare.to.change@ydc.org.hk
