Upcoming Events

1 NOV - 17 JAN
Student Online Registration (on or before 3:00pm)
Briefing Sessions
28 FEB
Deadline of Submission of 5-minute Presentation (for both preliminary pitching day) (on or before 11:00am)
Announcement of Official Preliminary Pitching Day Allocation
Networking Event A
14 MAR
1st Preliminary Pitching Day
28 MAR
2nd Preliminary Pitching Day
Networking Event B & Announcement of Finalist Teams
  APR -   MAY
“Meet Your Mentor”
Deadline of Submission of 5-minute Presentation (for Final Pitching Day) (on or before 11:00am)
16 MAY
Final Pitching Day
Awards Presentation Ceremony
Exchange Tour

HKSTPC Golden Technopreneur Award & HKSTPC Techno Idea Award

Im's Laboratory

Ocean is a very mysterious place since it is covered by seawater. There are a lot of beautiful living creatures in the ocean such as coral reef and sea turtle. However, due to high water pressure and unknown environment underwater, it is not easy for everyone to explore the ocean. Thus, the goal of this project is to create a small underwater robot for people to explore the ocean safely and easily.

For more information, please visit Im’s Laboratory’s youtube channel or send email to dare.to.change@ydc.org.hk for enquiries.
